
Company address

FAYN Telecommunications s.r.o.
Popelova 150/71 Brno
620 00 Czech Republic

GPS: N 49° 9.21840’, E 16° 38.86735’

The address of the registered office also serves as a correspondence address; you can also visit us in person at this address by appointment.

Billing information

ID: 26761050,
VAT Number: CZ26761050
Main CZK bank account: 2600789702 / 2010
CZK bank account for prepaid and postpaid: 77334412 / 5500

International bank account CZK:
IBAN: CZ5920100000002600789702

International bank account for prepaid and postpaid EUR:
IBAN: CZ82 5500 0000 0000 7733 4412

The company is registered in OR KS Brno, section C, insert number 51326.

Customer service centre

Monday:8:00 – 16:00 CET
Tuesday:8:00 – 16:00 CET
Wednesday:8:00 – 16:00 CET
Thursday:8:00 – 16:00 CET
Friday:8:00 – 16:00 CET

Outside of business hours, you can contact us using the following form or email

Contact form

Do you have any questions or need to address any requirements related to our services? The best way to do so is by filling out the form on this page. If you are an existing customer, please include your customer ID number.